Friday, June 26, 2009

Here I Go...Adventure in the waiting...

So...I am currently sitting downtown Chicago trying to remember everything I could have possibly my limited 20 pounds of luggage?...yikes... I think I'm going to have to wear everything I own on the plane...(thanks for the advice Upton)...My flight leaves tomorrow morning from O'hare to Ayacucho...24 hours of traveling....crazy... I can hardly wait!....I have never had a blog before, so this is all so new to me, but created it so family & friends can keep track of what I will be doing in Peru and to document my trip...not so sure what to post written from the Andes!...wish me luck!


  1. Alright Katherine...I am officially your first follower!!!! I can't wait to read your updates! I'll be thinking about you! Have a safe trip!!!! XO, Mag

  2. Your little cousins, Charlie, Grace & Jack, will be following your adventures as you venture to Peru. Be safe! We all love you!

  3. .. so... this entry was undoubtedly made from the kitchenette in my little corner of chicago :) as is, well, this comment...
    slowly but surely i'm finding all of the little notes you left around the place.. i think my favorite is perhaps the one in the freezer.. or maybe the one on the coffee maker..
    hope your flight went well.. I called and left a message about 5 seconds after we hung up.. you know.. so that I could be the first message you check when you get back, of course..
    I'll be working on room to read, and collecting odds and ends for our home next year..
    live in the moment. i'll talk to you soon.

  4. Hey pretty lady! What are you doing in PeruI
    and through what organization? I am so proud of you and
    your exciting adventure! Happy trails!

